• Horticultural production encompasses the cultivation, management, and marketing of horticultural crops. These crops include:
      • Fruits (temperate, tropical, and sub-tropical)
      • Vegetables
      • Ornamental plants
      • Cut flowers
      • Herbs and spices
      • Mushrooms
      • Horticultural nuts
    • It involves a wide range of activities, from soil preparation and planting to harvesting, storage, and processing.

    What it Entails:

    • Cultivation Techniques: This includes understanding plant physiology, soil science, irrigation, fertilization, and pest and disease management.
    • Production and management: This includes the ability to set up and manage a horticultural farm.
    • Post-Harvest Handling: Proper storage, processing, and packaging to maintain quality and extend shelf life.
    • Marketing and Business: Understanding market demands and developing effective marketing strategies.

    TVET CDACC Courses and Levels:

    • TVET CDACC (Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council) offers competency-based education and training (CBET) in horticultural production.
    • Courses are structured in levels, allowing for progression from basic to advanced skills.
    • Based on the search results, courses range from level 3 to level 6. For example:
      • Horticulture Production Level 3, 4, 5 and 6.
      • Horticulture Nursery Management level 3,4,5, and 6.
      • Horticultural Produce Processing Management level 5, and 6.
    • It is important to note that the TVET CDACC system is designed to provide skills that are directly applicable to the job market.
    • Objectives:
      • To equip individuals with the practical skills and knowledge needed for successful horticultural production.
      • To promote sustainable and efficient horticultural practices.
      • To contribute to food security and economic development through skilled horticultural professionals.
      • To enable trainees to be able to create and manage their own horticulture based businesses.
    • Vision:
      • To be a leader in providing high-quality horticultural education and training.
    • Mission:
      • To empower individuals with the skills to excel in horticultural production and contribute to economic growth